%%% ================================================================ %\newpage %\section{rename me --- pre-Wehr material from here down} % %Class mech vs. quantum mech: former has (1D here xxx change to 3D) $x(t)$ with %IC and %$$ %m \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = -\D V/\D x; %$$ %latter has $\Psi(x)$ and %$$ %i \hbar \frac{d\Psi}{dt} = - \frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{\D^2\Psi}{\D x^2} + V\Psi. %$$ % %References: %\begin{itemize} %\item Probability: % \begin{itemize} % \item grimmett and stirzaker % \item fristedt and gray % \item Griffiths section 1.3 % \item my prb notes. % \end{itemize} %\item Quantum mechanics: % \begin{itemize} % \item griffiths % \end{itemize} %\end{itemize} % %%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %\subsection{Complex probability functions} % %$|\Psi(x,t)|^2$, i.e. %$\Psi(x,t)\,\Psibar(x,t)$, is a real probability function. % %integral over $[a,b]$. % %integral over $(-\infty, +\infty)$. % %Note we do \emph{not} have IID when measuring the same particle repeatedly, %due to collapse of the wave function. % %%% ================================================================ %\section{QM basics } % %%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %\subsection{Normalization} % %normalization and square integrability % %annotate Griffiths' p. 15 proof with ref to FTC and other math thms. % %\ldots Jiminy Christmas, Griffits is \emph{exactly} what I want \ldots do these %notes need to even be here? % %%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %\subsection{Wave functions and operators} % %$p$ and $q$; others from those. % %bra-ket notation? % %$$p = -i \hbar \D/\Dx.$$ % %$\langle \Psi^* | Q | \Psi \rangle$ --- Griffiths takes this as an axiom %for now. % %%% ================================================================ %\section{Section title goes here} % %%% ================================================================ %\section{Section title goes here}