%% ================================================================ % Title (free association): % Avoid pretentiousness % "A", not "the" % Entry arch w/ gen'zed stokes is at the keystone % black flag w/ hole % building blocks % chains % non-linear % bent % warped % curves % curved % % notes % cliff % guide % hitchhiker's guide % paving the way for modern calculus % paths % loops % paths to modern calculus % a path to modern calculus % Elements of Modern Calculus % Foundations ... % Towards ... % Intro ... % Pieces ... % Chains, forms, duality % flux % flow % Bastille % unite % revolution % workers % black flag % unbound % freedom % coffee cup % puncture % donut % poke holes % warp % pancake % flying carpet % genus % genii % fields % flows % gateway % beyond ... % reborn % GT arisen % Phoenix % axiomatized % Poking Holes in Vector Calculus % grids % maps % charts % paths % fields % currents % loops % cubes, chains % forms % bundles % Jacobian